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How a manufacturer was able to identify and correct significant site of care issues ahead of launch.


A biotech company launching their first product, a cell therapy, wished to validate their commercial engagement strategy with US hospitals prior to launch.

Their aim was to better understand governance of CGTs and high-cost biologics, utilization policies, IT security and privacy restrictions, logistics preferences, and to pressure-test dose preparation instructions.

Archbow was hired to conduct market research with a large sample of hospitals, IDNs, academic medical centers, and health systems, including Pharmacy Directors, Administrators (Finance, Privacy), and Pharmacy Technicians.

Archbow developed a baseline online survey to quickly gauge marketplace opinions and collect data from across the nation. Information from the online survey was used to develop a series of extensive discussion guides for each target group.

Approximately 30 phone interviews were conducted with hospital professionals to validate assumptions, pressure-test commercial model design, and gather insights.

During the research, a handful of significant barriers were identified that, if unaddressed, would have negatively impacted commercial use of the cell therapy at US hospitals.



With potential barriers to commercial adoption identified, the manufacturer has been able to swiftly make modifications to overcome end user concerns, including:

  • Developing a two-pronged strategy to target likely early-adopting hospitals first and using learnings from those experiences to educate and onboard likely late-adopters

  • Re-wording and packaging dose preparation instructions to alleviate possible confusion and costly errors

  • Building a logistics framework that eases concerns of storage and freezer space in hospital pharmacies

  • Fostering outpatient administration capabilities and payer relations in support of hospital financial viability

  • Co-shipping materials that would not have otherwise been available for product preparation and administration

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